Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Held Without Bail! Why?

Many defendants are held without bail these days.  You would think this is a violation of our nation’s 8th Amendment right to a reasonable, affordable bail, and you’d be absolutely correct.  This article will explain why judges hold inmates without bail, and how they skirt around the Constitution to do so.

Judges regularly cite their opinion that the inmate is a flight risk or a security risk so they can comport with the law.  But why?  What is the motivation behind holding an inmate indefinitely?
Remanding a defendant to the county jail basically secures a conviction. It’s darn near impossible to fight your case from a county jail, with little resources (once a week visit to an old-fashioned law library) and the harsh, confined, agitating, scary conditions.

Read more on why judges remand defendants to the county jail without bail.

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