Friday, March 20, 2015

Conjugal Visits in America

Conjugal visits in America are rare. Very rare. The lack of conjugal visits punishes the loved ones of inmates, who have done nothing wrong.

They also promote rehabilitation, family ties, and reduce recidivism. In fact, only 4 states in America (California, Washington, New York, and Connecticut) grant the privilege of a conjugal visit, and the inmate must pass a rigorous series of tests in order to qualify — as does the visitor’s spouse and/or family member.

A conjugal visit is not merely to have sex, but rather to provide private time that a prisoner may spend with a spouse or, in California and New York, a registered domestic partner.

The idea behind such visitation is to allow inmates to have intimate contact with their spouses in an effort to promote rehabilitation, strengthen family ties, encourage good behavior and improvement, and reduce recidivism for those not serving life sentences.

Depending on the state’s extended family visitation program, a conjugal or extended family visit may last from as little as one hour (in Mississippi, prior to the state terminating them in 2014) to 48 hours (in Washington).

Learn more about conjugal visits, and why -- if they're proven to rehabilitate, promote good behavior, strengthen family ties, and reduce recidivism -- they're only allowed in 4 of America's 50 states.

A Message for Chenango County, NY, Prosecutor Joe McBride

A message for Chenango County (NY) Prosecutor Joe McBride.

You have stripped the citizens of Chenango County, NY, of their constitutional civil liberties. You have duped the men and women in uniform into believing it's their duty to protect and serve your office & your political interests rather than the people of Chenango.

You turned a car accident into a trumped-up, media-driven murder case, a small-town circus atmosphere, and put an innocent man, Peter Wlasiuk, in prison for 25 years to life.

You lied to the family and friends of Patty Wlasiuk, and then paraded yourself around the city of Norwich and beyond as a champion of justice while on the campaign trail. And you still lost.

You're no champion of justice, Mr. McBride . You're a white collar criminal who has no place in any public office -- anywhere.

You're being investigated, Mr. McBride, and you're being watched. It will not be long until Chenango County is handed down where it belongs: to the people of Chenango County.

It's time for the people of Chenango to bring justice to Patty and her family, Peter, his beloved daughters, and to all residents of Chenago County.